Before being shot in the leg by a Russian sniper Eduard Lysovysk, who lives in Hostomel, witnessed and captured in photos and videos the atrocities unfolding around him. His images and testimony together form a powerful and unusually comprehensive diary of those bloody days in an area now under Russian control
Russia-Ukraine war: latest updates
A day after the invasion began on 25 February, Eduard noticed a car with shattered windows and a leaking radiator outside his apartment block .
Top: A car driven by a grandmother travelling with her 18-year-old grandson, which was shot at by Russian forces as it tried to leave Hostomel on 25 February. The grandson died but the grandmother survived. Above: The grave of the 18-year-old who was shot in his eye. On 26 February, Eduard Lysovyk, the teenager’s father, the head of the graveyard and the gravedigger dug the grave.